The book (The Facts Of Live), the website www.TheFactsOfLive.com and any related or associated materials (Work) contain the opinions and ideas of Will Glendinning (Author) as published by Rethink Press (Publisher).

The Work is intended as a reference guide providing helpful and informative material.

The information and strategies outlined in the Work may not be suitable for every individual, organisation, business or situation, and are not guaranteed or warranted to produce any particular results.

Neither the Author nor the Publisher is providing or offering legal, financial, accounting, safety, security or other professional advice or services through the Work.

You should consult a competent professional before adopting any of the suggestions in the Work or drawing inferences from them.

No warranty is made with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information or references contained within the Work, and, to the extent permitted by law, all statutory warranties are expressly excluded (including those relating to fitness for a particular purpose).

References to any external organisation or website as a citation or source of further information do not mean that the Author or Publisher endorses the information these external sources provide.

External websites, in particular, may have changed between the time the Work was published and the time they are accessed by the reader.

Both the Author and the Publisher specifically disclaim any responsibility for any liability, loss or damage, whether personal, professional or otherwise, incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use or application of the Work or the advice contained within the Work.

Thank you.